At just £79 young people age 14 upwards now learn to respect a car’s limit of grip in a fun & safe environment using our skid cars. The first time you experience a car losing grip should not be the last time.
Autotutors’ Skid Car School assists drivers to respect a potential loss of grip in a simulated wet / ice / snow road situation. The outcome that we train people for is prevention; a greater understanding of the safe boundaries – and over 17’s can do this too!
Why train pre-17 year olds? – Drivers’ need to experience the reality of the situation in a controlled training environment.
- Over confidence – research has found that young drivers who show overconfidence in self-assessment of their skills are more likely to crash in their first two years of driving.
- Poor assessment of hazards – research has shown young drivers show poorer attention, visual awareness, hazard recognition and avoidance, and are less able to judge appropriate speed for circumstances.
- Prevalent risk-taking – research has demonstrated that the frontal lobe, the part of the brain that helps control impulses and emotions and assesses risk, is not fully developed until the mid-20’s.
Review all YDS courses in brief.
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